17 December, 2007

Life is all about balance

It really is. I was thinking of the reasons why today isn't a good day- it's cold (temperatures at night are hitting the single digits, which really offends my desert dweller sensibilities), my cat tried to claw my eye out** and it hurts, and there's a coating of oddly cold and crystalline white stuff all over the ground. Stuff that I believe belongs 15 miles away, up on top of the mountains.

(** To clarify- she didn't really TRY to claw my eye out, I was just in the way of a mad cat game of some sort and she kind of stepped on my left eye area. Regardless, a cat wound that close to your optical gear isn't much fun.)

But with the cold comes a couple nice things- the air is exceptionally clean and clear, and the sky at night is amazing. Last night at about eleven, I took the dog out and just studied the sky, unaided, and nearly let the poor guy freeze. I'm always impressed with these clear nights- being able to not only pick out Orion's brightest points (Rigel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix) but having all of the Ori cluster so clear and bright....well, it's truly and distinctly beautiful. Try it yourself- find Rigel (Orion's left knee) and draw a line up across the Oris (his belt) and through Betelgeuse. Extend that line a ways, and look for the bright red glow of Mars. Go left about the width of your hand held at arm's length, and you can make out Jupiter hanging around the constellation Gemini. It's awe-inspiring when you take it all in.

Yes, I am a complete geek. But I'm a happy one.

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