26 November, 2007

When are the brain implants coming?

Seriously soon, I hope. It would save me a tremendous amount of trauma.

I'm trying to reacquaint my brain with the world of mathematics. It's been a while since I've had to do anything beyond the calculations required for doing my taxes, so yeah- I'm a bit out of form. So I'm doing all right (not great, but...yeah. I'm remembering things) and all of a sudden I'm faced with this:

a(0) / 2 + [Sigma](sum)(k=1..inf) (a(k) cos kx + b(k) sin kx)

Fourier series, right. The problem is, I remember the name, but have NO memory at all of what it's representing, or how to plug anything in to make it mean squat.

Sigh. Back all the way to the roots and beginning algebra, I suppose. Maybe I can find a 12 year old to tutor me.

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